우라사와 나오키(浦沢 直樹)의 만화 “20세기 소년”(링크: 위키백과 “20세기 소년” 항목)의 주인공 켄지는 한때 기타리스트로 활동했던 인물로 설정되어 있다. 그 때문인지 이 만화 곳곳에는 (실제로 존재하는) 공연 포스터가 등장하는 일이 자주 있다. 신동혁 디자이너는 실제로 있었던 포스터들이 이 만화 곳곳에서 재현되는 양태에 주목한다. 종이에 인쇄된 형태로 감상하는 만화라는 매체 안에서 다시 한 번 종이의 물성을 표현하는 방식. 재현을 재현하는 것.
Kenji, the protagonist of Naoki Urasawa(浦沢 直樹)’s 20th Century Boys(link: Wikipedia entry of 20th Century Boys) is depicted as carrying a guitar all the time, as a once-active guitarist. Maybe for that reason, there are many scenes where there are posters (of concerts that were happened in reality) in the manga. As a designer, Donghyeok Shin observes the mode of representation of the actual posters in the 20th Century Boys. He sees the way the material of paper is presented in a medium of manga, which is destined to be printed on paper: the representation of representation.
2011년 4월 29일에서 5월 1일 사이에 진행된 “뉴타운컬쳐파티 51+”(링크: 웹사이트)의 포스터 작업 역시 이런 맥락에서 만들어졌다. 눈썰미가 훌륭한 사람, 혹은 “20세기 소년”의 팬이라면 알아차렸을지도 모르지만 “뉴타운컬쳐파티 51+”의 포스터에 사용된 이미지는 “20세기 소년”의 어느 부분에서 차용한 것이다. 만화책에 사용되는 것과 같은 재질의 종이로 만들어진 이 포스터는 신동혁이 가지고 있는 재현의 재현에 대한 생각과 함께 “20세기 소년”에 대한 경외심, 그리고 “뉴타운컬쳐파티 51+”라는 행사가 생기게 된 이유와 “20세기 소년” 속 내용의 관계 등을 한꺼번에 생각하도록 만든다.
For his poster works for the Newtown Culture Party 51+(link: website (in Korean)), Shin employs the same context. You might have noticed that the image in the poster is one from the 20th Century Boys. It is actually an image taken from the manga. The poster, printed on a paper similar to one used for printing manga, facilitates to us to think about Shin’s love of the manga and the relation between the manga’s content and the background of the concert, along with Shin’s idea on the representation of representation.
*”뉴타운컬쳐파티 51+”에 관한 내용은 다음 링크를 참조: 크르르르 위키 “2011 뉴타운 컬쳐파티 51+” 항목
**”흩어지는 전술 HIT and RUN”에 참가하고 있는 박다함은 “뉴타운컬쳐파티 51+”를 기획하였다.
***이 글은 2011년 5월 말 신동혁 디자이너와 나눈 대화를 바탕으로 작성한 것임.
*Newtown Culture Party 51+ was first started in 2010 as a protest against an unjust treatment to the former tenants of an area near Hongik University, which was decided by the city government to be demolished to build a new train station. The tenants received compensation for the redevelopment, but the amount of money they received was unrealistically small for them to get new places to restart their business. A small restaurant called “Duriban” was one of the tenants. Different from the others who took the disadvantage to be forced out from their shops, the owners of “Duriban” restaurant decided to stand against the process of demolition: They tried their best to run their restaurant as usual. Then the musicians, particularly young independent musicians working around the area, started to organize a series of concerts in the building once filled up with customers. It finally led them to organize a huge festival, Newtown Culture Party 51+.
For more information, please see the following link:
An entry for “2011 Newtown Culture Party 51+” on Krrr.kr Wiki. (in Korean)
An English news article on the reopening of the Duriban restaurant: link
**Daham Park, another participant of “흩어지는 전술 HIT and RUN” organized the 2011 edition of Newtown Culture Party 51+.
***The current article was based on a conversation between Jaeyong Park and Donghyeok Shin in late May, 2011.
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